Posted tagged ‘Mullaloo Beach’

FRIGHTENED – 20 June 2012 — Mullaloo Beach north of Perth, Western Australia – surf skier attacked

20 June, 2012

Martin Kane, 62, examines his surf ski that was bitten in half by a 3-metre great white shark, flinging him into the water.

Martin Kane, 62, escaped injury, but was badly shaken when a 3-metre great white shark attacked his surf ski, biting it in half. The incident happened around  7.15am on Wednesday 20 June 2012.

He was paddling with a group of 4 other surf lifesavers about 150 metres off Mullaloo Beach north of Perth, Western Australia.

He was flung into the water but was rescued by a friend who was in the group of paddlers.

He said it felt like being rammed by a jet ski and made a loud exploding noise.

“I seriously thought it was a row of dolphins smashing into the ski.

“What really confused me was the extent of the noise and the crunching sound, it really surprised me, I really didn’t know what it was until I saw the fin and realised it was a shark.

“Because it is a sealed unit, when the shark bit it, it went off like an explosion.

“Soon as I saw his tail and thrashing around with the ski coming right out of the water, I said it’s time to get out of here so in defiance I threw my paddle at him and started to swim away.”

He told reporters he suspected stringers that run down the length of the ski and control the rudders saved his life.

“I suspect that its teeth were caught up in that and it was too bothered trying to get rid of the ski to chase me, so I’m very, very happy that was the case.

“I’m just very lucky to be here, very lucky to be able to see my grandkids again.”

ABC News

Sydney Morning Herald

PIC Source:
ABC News